Dublin Mini Maker Faire 2012 Recap

Dublin Mini Maker Faire blew away all our expectations – and we hope you felt the same.  In the end, we had over 5,500 attendees between 10am and 6pm.  There were spaceships, robots, sugru and arduinos, crochet, submarines, and much more.  For…

We Want Your Feedback!

Hello our maker friends! There is no rest for the wicked is would seem. We  are already busy organising a bigger and better Dublin Mini Makerfaire for 2013 (ah we love it really!) In order to help us know what…

Meet the Maker: TOG

Meet TOG, Dublin’s hackerspace. TOG will be showing off a wide range of electronic and craft projects on Saturday as well as running the “learn to solder” area. TOG is a hackerspace based in Dublin City Centre. It is a shared space where…

Meet the Maker: Fuinneamh

How big do you like your drums? It is 14ft diameter or nothing for Dublin Mini Maker Faire. It is just how we roll. Luckily the talented maker Bounce has met our strangely exact dimensional whims. Here is a video of it…

Meet the Maker: Storymaker

Check out the video below from the Storymaker team – creative technologist Duncan Gough (http://suttree.com) and digital producer Leila Johnston (http://finalbullet.com). These fun folk are interested in exploring the relationship between performance and technology. With puppets!!! Storymaker from leila johnston on Vimeo.…

Meet the Maker: ALMA

Alma is an ensemble of easy to play musical instruments, a piece of music, a group music project and a way for people of all ages and musical abilities to work together to create something they couldn’t do alone. Ed…

Meet the Maker: Sugru

We love Sugru. Sugru loves makers. Simple 🙂 Check out the video below to find out what Sugru is all about. As an added bonus Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh the inventor of Sugru (which TIME Magazine named one of the 50 best…