Makers 2019

Timewarp Arcade
From the people who brought you Robot Cafe, and Paper Programming…roll up roll up. We will take stand visitors back 100 years in time to the penny arcade and fast forward its worthy successor, the 1980’s amusement arcade.
Come along and play the giant game pad. Interact with our weird and wonderful controllers to play quirky games from carnival arcades through the ages. Unleash your inner maker! Create and play games straight from your imagination.
Model Makers @ AIB
At AIB, we make models to make sense of our data.
We plan to show the future and the fundamentals of what we do with fun maker activities.
Our exhibition will
1) Show-off a futuristic deep learning model (a ‘here’s one we made earlier’) with our “Are you more Cat or Dog?” activity
2) Let visitors make beaded jewellery that teaches the fundamentals of computer code with our “Binary Beading” activity
1) Are you more Cat or Dog?
We have the answer to the question you’ve always wanted to ask!
We’ll take your photo and our MCAT (Modelling Cognitive Analytical Table) will tell you percentage cat you are, and what percentage dog you are.
And, if you’re interested, we’ll tell you how knowing this can help us to find hidden insights in our data…
How the activity works
• We’ll take a picture of a visitor to our stall and put it through Our MCAT (Modelling Cognitive Analytical Table) model.
• While we make a couple of edits to the code, we’ll talk through the story behind the model (pls see next section).
• After a minute, the visitor’s photo will be displayed on a TV screen along with an image of either a cat or a dog, revealing their ‘true’ animal likeness!
• The visitor will then get a sticker of a cat or dog, depending on their result!
The story behind the activity:
At AIB, we make models to make sense of our data. This helps us to make useful predictions that can, for example, tell us when a customer needs a home or a new car.
Deep learning models can be really good at figuring out what is in a picture (e.g. a cat or a dog) because they pick out the most important features. They can even do this when the picture has been jumbled up and doesn’t make sense to people.
Our data is enormous (we have millions of data points!), is always changing, and very difficult to make sense of. So, we wondered if we turned customer data into an image-like structure, whether we could let the a deep learning model figure out what is important and predict what our customers need!
To test the idea, we made our MCAT – a model that makes sense of scrambled images. We trained it on pictures of cats and dogs, which with a couple of tweaks, gives us the added bonus of being able to tell anyone whether they are more cat, or more dog 🙂
2) Binary Beading
Code Your Name!
Make a jewellery that stores information like a computer!
Learn about the binary code and create a necklace that spells out your name in binary.
How the activity works
• Using a crayon, visitors will colour in squares on a piece of paper to spell their name in binary.
• This will be done with reference to a print-out of the alphabet in binary, and with some help from us.
• While visitors work out how to spell their name, we will talk through the story behind binary beading (pls see below)
• Beads will be laid out on the coloured squares before being thread onto a string
• Visitors can take away a beaded necklace that spells their name and learn about binary code and why it is important
The story behind the activity:
Does a computer communicate the same way that we do? Does it understand English? Spanish? No. A computer is translating every piece of information that it gets into its own language called binary.
Binary is very important, because it is used by all computers to store and receive information. Your laptop, your mobile phone, your microwave all use binary. But why do computers use binary?
What does the inside of a computer look like? (show image/old desktop opened up). Wires carry information through a computer in the form of electricity. Computers can only read and store an on or off charge. When information is represented with two options (such as ‘on’ or ‘off’) it is known as binary code.
We’d like to demonstrate learning programming through programmed embroideries with the free and open TurtleStitch software. We will share our experience and demonstrate the embroidery machine in action and let participants make their own at the show. We will bring an embroidery machine and some laptops to create patterns together with all the textiles needed.
The Woodturners
We spin wood real fast and poke it with sharp metal. I’m sure nothing will go wrong.
Engineers Without Borders Ireland
Engineers Without Borders Ireland helps to improve communities all over the world. Learn how engineering & problem-solving can contribute to environmental & social change and contribute to global development.
- Build a bridge to help Frankie the hippo cross the river!
- Make a water filter from natural materials with a limited budget. BUT FIRST – turn the spinning wheel to find out what country & budget you have been assigned….
- Chat to our engineers who have worked on overseas development projects
- Have a look at a biochar kiln from our friends at Farm Social
- Learn more about humanitarian engineers around the world
Maynooth University Music Technology
A variety of fun music tech and games from Maynooth University
Andrew Fleury
My exhibit is a golf putting trainer/game. I have used arduino to create the device. It uses two laser trip wires to calculate the speed of the golf ball and then there is a calculation to work out how far ball has rolled.
Dublin Linux Community
We will be showcasing the Linux operating system on various types of hardware and teaching people about its benefits. We will have laptops, Raspberry Pi’s and anything else we can think of that runs Linux. We’ll also distribute some swag, information pamphlets, Linuxy stickers. We will even help people install Linux on their machine if they wish.
MakerDojo – Embiggen
We’re going to give you a big head. And explain how it works, and how we made it, so you can give yourself a big head whenever you want. Also lots of smaller science makes you can do yourself.
South Dublin Radio Club – EI2SDR
We are South Dublin Radio Club – Call sign EI2SDR. Amateur (Ham) Radio is a hobby that helps to bring people together, learn about technology, make new friends, and have fun with radio. We use the radio spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training and emergency communication. All amateur radio operators are “makers” – we design and construct antennae, radios, radio related equipment, and integrate the latest technologies into our projects. Many amateur radio operators were involved in early breakthroughs in technology and telecommunications and that traditions continues to this day, with astronauts, Nobel Prize winning physicists & CEOs of tech giants being current licensed radio operators. However, many of us do not have a technical background and our hobby is accessible to anyone, of any age.
At our Maker exhibit we plan to demonstrate various aspects of our hobby including some interactive exhibits:
• We plan to have active an active HF & VHF radio station operating for the duration of the festival. We will demonstrate world-wide voice and digital mode communication to visitors utilising a Transceiver with a 20m inverted-V antenna and/or 20m vertical antenna (antennae are homemade).
• Should radio propagation not play ball, we plan to have Digital Mobile Radio (DMR). Our DMR will connect to a WiFi hotspot. We can then connect via this internet gateway to any DMR repeater network worldwide and talk to people – maybe on Guam! We will demonstrate this using a homemade project utilising a Raspberry-Pi
• We will have Morse Keys connected to Oscillators (oscillators make a beep sound when you press the Morse key!). Yes, many of us “Hams” still learn and use Morse code for fun – it’s actually a very efficient mode of world-wide, low power, communication. We will place the Morse Code alphabet beside each Morse Key and people can have a go at it!
• We will have a Software Defined Radio waterfall running on a screen. The waterfall is a visual interpretation of the radio spectrum and graphically demonstrates radio signals in whichever part of the spectrum you are looking at. These signals can be commercial radio stations, utility signals, radar, satellite signals, even spy stations! You will see and hear them all. It’s a great tool to explain the radio spectrum to the uninitiated; what it is, how it’s utilised and the difference between different types of radio signals. Visitors will be able to click on different signals and listen to them through headphones.
• We will have pop-up information stands from the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS). In particular we will have information on Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS). ARISS lets young people worldwide experience the excitement of talking directly with crew members of the International Space Station, inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM and engaging them with radio science technology through amateur radio. Members of our club, along with the IRTS, recently enabled two Irish secondary schools contact the ISS and ask Italian Astronaut Paolo Nespoli questions.
• This stand will also give the opportunity to speak about another aspect of our hobby – amateur satellites! Yes they are up there!
Crafty Nathan’s Creation’s!
I am a prop maker and costume maker and build elaborate costumes and movie props in my spare time. From videos games like fallout to historical plague doctors I hand make all of my creations using sewing, foam, thermoplastics, 3d printing and alot more ! All my work is painted using airbrush techniques and an assortment of niche paints I have collected !
I want to show how I can build what I do in a small bedroom in Dublin City while working a full time job in a major financial services organisation.
I want to show people you don’t need a massive workspace or hundreds of hours just some good organisation and planning (and a very understanding partner).
I also want to inspire young people to get involved in making and creating incredible props and costumes from simply every day materials. No matter who your favourite character is or something cool you have imagined you can create it with a bit of know how and some hard work !
Periodic Maze
A mini escape room with activities entirely built around the periodic table!
Physics Busking
We are a gang of physicists, teachers and researchers whose mission is to bring science to the public through interactive activities and demos. Join our ” Make-N-Take ” to make all kinds of fun scientific stuff
Med3DP is an initiative to develop on-demand medical devices for humanitarian healthcare using 3D printing technology. Med3DP currently hosts a wide range of projects complete with ready-to-print files, documentation and other helpful information. Each year a talented group of students in the Trinity Master’s of Bioengineering program take initiative and brainstorm, prototype, and develop 3D printable medical devices. It’s our intention to show prototypes and inform people on what we do.
Animatronic Star Wars Droids
I am bringing my 3d printed, animatronic, full scale BB8 and BB9E droids from Star Wars plus few other smaller project I worked on during past year. Some of them will be finished, some in rough state. Bring all the fans of the movie for one in a year chance to see it live.
Irish Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
We promote and support the crafts of weaving, spinning, and dyeing around the country. Our members are involved in all stages of the textile production process, from preparing the raw fleece, to producing garments and homewares from their hand-spun and hand-woven fabrics.
Lasers Live
Ever wondered why a light bulb brightens up a whole room while a laser produces only a very narrow beam of light? Lasers Live will demonstrate how light is a form of energy, how different colours interact differently, and how lasers can provide us with technologies that were the stuff of dreams just a decade ago. Experts from the Centre for Plasma Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, will be on hand to explain these topics and many more. A unique opportunity for adults and children alike to discover how research by laser and plasma physicists at Queen’s is playing a leading role in how our future world will look.
We’re a bunch of research scientists based in UCD School of Medicine who work with a type of Jellyfish (hence the name). Our exhibit will show off some simple experiments related to our research, as well as some of our DIY microscopes and 3D printed anatomy.
Props Factory
We will be showing off some of our props from pasted production,some materials,techniques and skills used In our industry. Hopefully we will have a live demonstration of some techniques and skills.
My proposal is to host an interactive music/noise art exhibit. I am educator, musician, and sound artist with a penchant for DIY audio and tech. I build rewired speaker microphones from discarded stereos and implement these in my live performances and improvised recordings. Using an array of analogue effects and cassette recorders, it is possible to create on-the-spot improvised recordings that require no musical knowledge or experience. This practice allows member of the public to interact and engage with music and explore musical possibilities in an alternative and encouraging environment while learning about sound, and sound art practices. Participants will get to record and mix their sounds on a 4-track cassette recorder and will receive their very own digital mixtape via email upon their request.
Revived Yarn – Makers for Charity
Did you know that there were 10,264 people homeless in the week of February 18th-24th 2019 across Ireland? While the housing crisis is reaching every month a new peak, more people face homelessness every day. Dublin area is severely affected by the issue, with more than 150 people sleeping rough and hundreds of families living in hotels, hubs, queuing for food and primary needs, with their children along, as reported by Focus Ireland. We would be delighted to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in Ireland through a fiber-art exhibition, which would show through color mapping the increasing numbers of homeless people over the past months/years. We would also like to organise a social event of public knitting&crochet to encourage the visitors to join this cause.
Led Race
Led Race is a basic game that the speed of the car is proportional to the pulsations of the control button (makeymakey), in the ascent ramps must be pressed more quickly to compensate for the effect of simulated gravity. At the beginning each car is represented by two leds, and in each complete turn is increased by one led.
DIY 3D Printing, Props, Costumes
I am exhibiting my two scratch built 3D printers built with the tiniest of budgets, all the frame components were cut by hand and the various electronics used were ordered from China.
Both capable of print qualities that rival many kit 3D printers and a print volume larger than printers that cost several hundreds.
I will also be exhibiting a robotic arm made from printer parts that may or may not be finished, as well as my Prize winning hand made Samurai Armor and other props.
The Dark Tent
A dark space for showing off the brightest projects. LEDs, lasers, displays, who knows…
Hex is a kinetic light art installation. It is a metal sculpture that uses motors, LEDs and micro-controllers. It employs light, colour, and motion to create short auto-generated choreographies.
Board Game Designers Ireland
We are a community group that designs and makes board games, eventually turning them into commercial products. We will have games for the public to play. We would also like to have a small amount of games for the public to buy, if they wish, though this won’t be the objective of the exhibit on the day.
We will exhibit the four programmes which TechSpace offers training and support in, through a variety of project demonstrations:
● NYCI TechSpace STEM in Youth Work Programme
– Youth STEM Projects
– Makey Makey Games
– 3D Printing
– Solar Circuits
● Clar TechSpace
– STEM as Gaeilge!
– Makey Makey through Irish
● CS3 Programme
– Microbit Robot Football
– Scratch Chat Bot
● TechSpace Digital Media
– Video Mapping
● Camara Education
– Low cost refurbished laptops and desktops for educational use
South East Makerspace (SEMS)
SEMS will show a number of projects, built individually or collaboratively at SEMS. This includes a giant Connect4 game, a giant Buzzwire, our Delta 3D printer, Arduino Colorimeter, Solar charged tartan speaker, some small scale electronic projects/trinkets and art works. Attendees to Dublin Maker can also partake in crafting from recycled materials.
Audio Responsive Visuals
I have a creative coding project called Infinite Forms. Its an infinite, generative world programmed in C# using Unity. There are lots of audio responsive elements in the project. I use to project to make visuals for raves and festivals and have performed live visuals in many venues in Dublin such as SoundHouse, the Turks Head and the Voodoo Lounge. I also brought the project to the Cologne Film Festival, Republica in Berlin and the Ozora Psytrance festival in Hungry. Everything in Infinite Forms is generated from C# code – the environment, the textures, the creatures and their animations and AI. Many of the creatures can be controlled using an XBOX Controller or with the players own movements in VR.
Steam Carrot
Makey makey music, creating and answering a question on life
Tog Hackerspace
Various projects from Tog hackerspace
EIRSAT-1 is the Educational Irish Research Satellite 1. Supported by industry partners and academic mentors, this team of students in University College Dublin are designing, building, launching and operating Ireland’s first satellite. It is a 2U CubeSat being developed as part of the European Space Agency’s Fly Your Satellite programme.
Renewable Science
Renewable Science Projects, electric village without wiring, robot, AI music, programming pictures, survey on environment and science, STEM speaker
Global Warming Issues ! Exhibition by Vaneeta Agnihotri
Through my maker stand I want to discuss the hottest issue of today World i.e. “Global Warming”. I will explain it through “Green house effect “ model and its harmful effects by a Exhibition and talks. Display different things that will change from older time to current situation. Also there will be discussion and Question answers session on my stand. I will also make a Questionnaire through which people or kids answers about there understanding about this major issue of “ Global Warming”. Lots of things to learn about climate change by viewing and doing will be happened on my stand.Thanks.
Wia Dot One
We’ve recently built and launched the Dot One – an IoT Maker Board aimed at kids and first-time builders. The board pairs with modules like a PIR sensor or a button, and can be programmed on the Wia Cloud without having to write a single line of code.
Our goal is to introduce anyone and everyone to the world of engineering by enabling them to learn through building smart, connected devices.
Miniature world by Fondas
Miniature – dollhouses dioramas
Precious Plastic Dublin
Hi we are a new group of makers and environmentalism that have come together to set up precious plastic Dublin we are passionate about eliminating unnecessary plastic waste from this planet.We have only just started but already we have over 15 members , we are currently looking for funding to secure a location and to build the plastic recycling machines.
CoDesign Accessible Digital Projects
We would like to share some of the co-designed accessible apps and website projects that have been built over the last four years through our partnership between TUDublin, College of Computing, School of Engineering in Kevin Street and Saint John of God, Liffey Services (SJOG). These co-design teams built digital solutions that can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible, by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. This partnership is mutually beneficial and matches people with intellectual disability and third year computer science students to work together for 12 weeks on building accessible digital solutions. It allows students to think beyond the lecture hall, computer lab and library and to work with real users of digital technology. It enables people with disabilities not only to access technology but to be involved in its design and development. I commend the commitment by DIT to support us to continue this partnership, looking at universal design principles to ensure technology can be accessible.
We have learned some key skills over the course of the projects, about co-design and digital technology. We would like to share some practical tips with those who visit Dublin maker about accessibility and universal design. We will also try and make the stand as interactive as possible for all visitors. We are committed to sharing our learning and to continue to bridge the gap in the digital divide that exists for many in our society.
Arachnid FX / Dublin Comic Con
In a similar vein to last year we will be displaying some of the props and displays which we use to make DCC the unique event it is aswell as to answer questions from attendees as to how it is all made. As a side we would have included Arachnid Fx where we create hyper realistic displays (silicone heads, creatures etc), 3d prints, props we created for various movie and tv shows locally aswell as samples of materials so people can see how exactly the product becomes a final piece. If we have time we will have a 7ft werewolf costume walking around a bit.No products would be sold at the show due to casual trading.
Anyone 4 Science
1. Investigate the mystery of Flight
We make science gadgets with kids. We make them from simple materials – paper is a favourite. We are working hard to make sure all materials we use are environmentally friendly so single use plastics have been eliminated where possible and replaced by other biodegradable materials. We make pecking woodpeckers, balancing butterflies, kites, spaceships, hot air balloons, paper planes and much more. Check out our Facebook video.
2. Making Ice Cream before the days of electricity
Ice cream technology existed way back, long before the electricity era. At our stand we will demonstrate how to make a freezer without using electricity and we will also explain how to make smooth ice cream with tiny crystals and investigate thermal transfer optimisation. All visitors to our stand can make their own freezers and then test them by using them to make the smoothest tastiest ice cream in just 5 minutes!
Mobile CNC Carver by Prof. Steve M. Potter
I will exhibit my Handibot CNC, and work with makers to design custom-carved items.
Clayotic, all but Chaotic!
Louise Swords, artist would like to share her craft process with her product Clayotic, a non-messy, air-drying modelling clay.
PrintLab – Creative Makers at the National Print Museum
Launched in February 2019, PrintLab (Creative Makers at the National Print Museum) creates an understanding and facilitates discovery of the traditional craft of letterpress printing by empowering children to be creatively involved in hands-on workshops, which unite the basic concepts of the craft with new technologies. Taking inspiration from the tinkering and making culture, PrintLab offers a series of workshops, events and pop-up style outreach, which aim to reinvent the craft of letterpress for a new generation.
Our exhibit at Dublin Maker will showcase PrintLab taster workshops suitable for all ages!
The Rapid Foundation
The Rapid Foundation aims to empower people around the world by giving them training and access to disruptive technologies – particularly 3D printing – and thereby inspiring and enabling them to innovate and create solutions to solve their problems and improve their quality of life. Field trials in India, Rwanda, Uganda, as well as in Ireland have shown the power and cost-effectiveness of the approach. The real impact is giving those in need the informal education and tools to continuously grow and fix their problems, rather than trying to create solutions for them.
My main feature of the exhibit is a multi functional furniture piece which can transform a bedroom into a home office, home theatre, yoga studio or dining room at the click of a button. From exhibiting last year, the feedback was amazing and the people I met were very helpful. I would like to do the same again with the improved scale version and introduce some other ideas.
Ability and Batteries
DIY assistive items for special needs and some transportation hacks, usually upcylced
Ripcoder Club Minecraft Java Jam
We would like to bring our modded Minecraft servers and let people (mostly kids) play together & try their hand at writing java to build skyscrappers, bridges, and more and do other cool stuff, like fly on EnderDragons.
Trinity Walton Club STEM Projects
Trinity Walton Club is STEM club for teens based at Trinity College Dublin. Students work on STEM projects, research and build prototypes on themes such as sustainable world and smart homes.
Bits and pieces from our maker space
Hatala Mosaics
All of my work is about using discarded materials such as broken glass, tiles, eggshell, newspapers. I believe crafting is good for the soul and using discarded materials is great for the planet. Why don’t we connect these two things together and think about trash as treasure. Save the environment and your money and create unique and useful things from rubbish. Upcycling is our future.
Maker Meet: Hands-on Fun!
We will exhibit a collection of S.T.E.A.M. projects for attendees to try out, get their hands dirty, have fun with and engage, explore and enjoy!
NI Raspberry Jam – DOTs
What happens if you mix conductive paint, Raspberry Pis and Minecraft? You get DOTs boards of course!
Suitable for ages 4 and up, the DOTs board activity involves filling in a simple dot to dot on a circuit board, then attaching it to a Raspberry Pi to check the result. The result is displayed in Minecraft Pi Edition and depends on what was painted, as to what is shown on screen.
Irish Crochet Lace Revival
We are a community group who have antique and our own modern hand made crochet lace projects to showcase. Last year our theme was reinventing the doily. This year our themes is lace hats. We also did a lot of 1to1 crochet beginner demonstrations with the public. This year we are thinking to hold small scheduled hands on workshops.
Milk That Cow
Milk that cow is a 2v2 player competitive milking simulator where 2 teams compete to see who can produce the most milk and collect it in their buckets.
Artisee Café by Rachana Agrawal
I am a creative person and have a passion to explore various styles of creativity in my spare time while working as a full-time job in Human Resource and a full-time mom of two. Artisee Café truly believes that creativity embraces learning skills of an individual. You also don’t need fancy stuff or proper equipment, and can do it in a limited space and even in a very tight schedule with just time management and planning.I have explored various art forms such as pencil shading, decoupage, clay murals, resin work, quilling, and recycling craft in all my workshops with schools, non-profit organizations, and companies.I will be showing two forms of my art as African Tribal art and 3D painting with everyday material and colours through simple techniques. Join us for fun and learn the art. Suitable for all age groups.
SWICN Clubhouse
We will be showcase work from young people at the Clubhouse and young people from the Clubhouse will run mini workshops for people visiting the event to participate in. These were very successful at last year’s event.
Maker’s Series. Learn about electric circuits & Piezo buzzers by making a wire game, or electric circuits, motors, gears, torque and force transference with our electric car project. Or motors, switches, centrifugal force and motion with our paint spinner project. These are slightly more challenging projects. Every class is different, so you take home something new each week!
CoderDojo Dublin
Letting kids make CoderDojo PCB badges (flashing LEDs and playing tune). Kids place components with tweezers and we bake the badges in an oven (total time approx 15 minutes per kid). Kids get to go home with an interactive badge – battery should last for months.
Dublin City Council Libraries – Maker Van
Will have a lasercutter creating custom name badges/bookmarks for attendees, and the Maker Van will have demos and hands-on activities on board.
Hoop Dreamz
Hoop Dreamz is a arduino based basketball game where you shoot hoops to keep the lights alive. An ultrasonic sensor is placed just below the hoop to detect balls as they pass through the hoop, and an LED strip around the hoop is used to show the energy of the player and display a score/win/lose animations. It’s my first project so I kept it simple, and have completed the woodwork section and am now on to the fun part of programming the Arduino game. At home the backboard can be mounted on battons I’ve attached to our wall, but at a Maker Fest I’d need to determine how to set it up perhaps closer to the ground (I did not build an upright post). I also made a soccer hop which at worst I could use to mount the hoop (low to the ground) or at best could be it’s own Arduino game. However detecting fast moving footballs across a board as opposed to dropping basketballs through a constrained area is more challenging. You could say it’s a whole other ball game. Ahem.
Creative Spark ice-cream parlour
People can come and Screen Print one of our ready prepped ice cream cone designs, afterwards they can colour in their favourite flavour. At the end of the day we can tally the votes and discover the festivals favourite flavour of ice cream.