TOG Hackerspace
Members of the TOG hackerspace in Dublin, Ireland will be showcasing some of their projects and creations, including a bubble piano, a hacked knitting machine, an e-textile quilt, a wisdom exchange and a giant Arduino kit. http://www.tog.ie/
MIDI Irish Dancing Shoes – (David McKeown, Mick Donegan)
A pair of wireless force sensitive Irish dancing shoes, which when danced can be made sound like any musical instrument. The shoes will be on display for you to play around with and there will be performances by former Riverdance lead dancer Mick Donegan throughout the day. (Rough video of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFVNooq6YbY of original prototype made at Science Hack Day Dublin 2013)
Replicating individuals in form of 3D sculptures has been a craft for many centuries. This process may be significantly influenced by the advent of 3D scanners and printers which allow sculpturing any object via technological scans and printing using 3D printers. Our aim is to promote research in the area of 3D scanning and to promote the power of 3D scanning by producing individual copies of people.
At our booth we will demonstrate these hands-on skills including demonstration of scanning techniques, reconstruction software, post-processing software, and printing technology.
The Institute of Physics
We will demonstrate a range of scientific equipment that can be made from regularly available items. Many of these will be “Make and Take”. We will also be launching paper rockets across Trinity’s cricket pitch!
NUIM Makers Society
We will be demonstrating multiple projects from our makers society including: robo-sumo bots, a robotic hand controllable via a wearable sensor glove, some cool interactive LED displays, drum synthesizers from our music makers and an interactive driving simulator which allows you to cruse around the Maynooth University campus taking in the sights while learning the rules of the road.
This exhibit incorporates sensors, electronics, robotics, networking, woodworking and, most importantly, interaction with the environment and the people populating it! Check us out at, http://www.youtube.com/user/NUIMMakersClub
Timelapseberry Pi (Donn Morrison)
A Raspberry Pi-based timelapse photography project that makes use of older and otherwise unused digital cameras. The goal is to deploy a weather-resistant, autonomous, Internet-connected timelapse photography device in remote settings for long periods of time to capture interesting scenes. The project uses lithium-ion 18650 cells for power and gphoto2 and Bash scripting for camera configuration and control. And Lego.
National Homebrew Club
We are the National Homebrew Club with chapters around the country. We would like to show people how simple the process of making your own beer is and get more people interested in the hobby. We will also run a brewing demonstration on the day to show exactly how easy it is. We hope to be able to answer any questions people have about homebrewing and how to get started or improve their skills.
LEGO Empire State Building (Ferdia Watson)
We’re pushing ourselves to build the biggest thing in LEGO we can think of … The Empire State Building.
Our Empire State is not a boring architectural replica – it’s multi-coloured and not correct in every detail. But it’s ours and we love it.
IADT Model making
There would be a live “sculpt-off” showing one lecturer sculpting a head in clay while the other sculpted the same head in 3D (using Mudbox and a tablet)
A casting and prosthetics workshop.
Digital effects showing live scanning and compositing
Home-made Roto Casting machine
A CNC demo
Urban Waste – VOICES
This project is a Europe wide initiative collecting views and ideas on Urban Waste from citizens. The Dublin Mini Maker Faire stand will show initial results with project posters/fliers/videos etc. Dublin Mini Maker Faire visitors will be able to take part in several activities – submitting their concerns or ideas for solving Urban Waste problems in their city, “fund” the top ideas generated across Europe for dealing with Urban Waste problems and take part in a upcycling table where visitors can turn their unwanted materials into something useful – e.g. using waste cardboard to make an iPhone speaker.
Dalriada Robotics clubs
We are a group of inventors, makers, programmers and roboticists who just love making stuff! We all go to Dalriada Grammer School, Ballymoney.
We have been working on a number of projects including our big new one, the Shrimpy.
The Shrimpy is an educational robot based on the open source shrimpbot designs. It used the Raspberry Pi and a collection of hardware and custom software to allow kids to really easily learn to program and hugely powerful opensource and cheap robot currently costing £48.36! https://github.com/Dalriada-Robotics/Shrimpy
Micro Farm (Andrew Douglas)
Highlighting Urban Farm’s sustainable growing methods we have built a mobile micro smart farm.The micro farm houses an aquaponic system consisting of a large fresh water fish tank supplying organic matter to feed plants in a green house situated on top of the container, the micro farm raises organic fish with edible greens to close the loop further a worm farm & black solider fly lave farm will provide necessary feed for our fish.
Combining smart technologies & open source design the Smart Farm will showcase low energy LED lighting, tweeting fish & plants combined with remote live monitoring all powered by renewable energies utilising P.V solar cells and a solar water heater. http://www.urbanfarm.ie/aquaponics.html
IR Decoder & Analyzer (AnalysIR)
AnalysIR was born as part of another high-tech IR (infra red) project we are working on – Think mega Universal Remote Control meets Arduino & saves the Planet (But don’t tell anyone – it’s still a secret). For this we needed to decode every TV remote control we could find and found the existing tools available to be either limited or too expensive. The truth is we didn’t find one that met our needs at any price. The good news is that we are making good progress on this project and that as we enhanced this ‘homebrew’ decoder tool we realised how useful and unique it was and decided to devote resources into launching it as AnalysIR.
A usergroup for people interested in all types of fabrication processes.
CNC machine demonstration – CNC IT!!! (Rory Stoney)
We will exhibit a 3-4 axis CNC router system able to machine a range of materials such as plywood, hardwood, polycarbonate, acrylic and aluminium. We will demonstrate the freedom of how CAD based design can be translated into real functional parts easily and efficiently. Have you decided that your 3D printed prototype is ready for functional operation? Do you have a burning idea you want to try and make yourself? Tired of expensive fabrication costs? Now you can CNC it out of a range of other materials. The machine is aimed at introducing people to CNC while at the same time offering excellent potential for the intermediate to advanced CNC enthusiast. If you are interested in getting parts made or would like to venture into the world of CNC yourself we can give you advice and guidance at the show. We look forward to seeing you there.
Workshop BIO – KiiCS
DIY BIO is a Mini Maker Faire booth where Transition Year students from the greater Dublin area that have worked with Science Gallery throughout the year will get a chance to display and demo their work including DIY web cam microscopes. Visitors will have a chance to play with this simple, easy to make and use technology, with “lab flyers”, and the opportunity to extract their own DNA.
3D printing classes and display (Layer labz)
We have developed our own Irish Made 3D printer since that I hope to show at the faire. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENmT6rFnsbQ
Dublin Comic Con
Dublin’s first Comic Con (August 10th and 11th, 2013) showcasing full size props and costumes from a wide range of movies, tv programs, games and comics. http://dublincomiccon.com/
Stitch’n’Glitch (Andrew Healy)
“Stitch’n’Glitch” is an open-source image corruption and cross-stitch desktop application. Created with “Processing”, users can upload an image, corrupt its binary code (if they choose), and export it as a chart for counted cross-stitch (with colour key) or pdf image. The stitched result has an interesting tension between the meticulously hand-crafted and random machine artifacts.
This stall will be an exhibit of pieces created with the software, a demonstration of the program (how it works and how to read the charts), and a hands-on workshop element instructing people in the simple, meditative activity of cross stitch. http://www.stitch-n-glitch.com/
Tape Scrape (A4 Sounds)
An interactive exhibit consisting of a pair of oversized dj “turntables” and mixer, whose “needles” are repurposed playback-heads from cassette walkmans, on which you can “scratch” using giant records made from the tape from old cassettes, as well as magnetic strips from old atm cards, floppy discs and other magnetically recorded media. You can bring along your old, unwanted cassettes to make into more “scratch records” too. www.a4sounds.org/
Forge (Donnacha Cahill)
Donnacha Cahill is a sculptor from Athenry in Co Galway who specialises in metal. He will be giving a demo working with hot metal using a forge at this years maker faire.
The Bedroom Laboratory was setup by two housemates with an interest in design and electronics. Their quest: to automate their whole apartment. http://thebedroomlaboratory.com/
FabLab Nerve Centre
A FabLab (fabrication laboratory) is a fully kitted fabrication workshop which gives everyone in the community from small children through to entrepreneurs and small businesses, the capability to turn their ideas and concepts into reality. Using open source 2d and 3d design software, coupled with 3d printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters and CNC routers, users can design and make almost anything.
_maker’s mission is to empower electronic musicians with the skills and knowledge to design, build and customise their own electronic equipment. We run effect pedal and synthesizer building workshops across the country and have video tutorials and kits available online at www.maker.ie
T-shock Badges
Make a badge with your own design. T-shock will be bringing our trusty
badge maker to the Mini Maker Faire. You can use it to turn your
design into a durable, professional quality 25mm pin back badge. Pin
one to your collar for that recession look that’s so popular these
days. http://www.tshock.net
Paperbots (The Civic Works)
Come make a robot! Take a template, design your robot and the plotter cutter will cut it out.
We’ll make two robots – one for you to keep and another miniature version to stay at the stall with all the other robots so everyone can see your great design.
You’ll design your robot on a paper template. Then we’ll scan your drawing into a computer, convert the file to a special type that the machine can read (called a vector) and cut it out. Then you can bring your cut-out robot home to assemble and keep, while his twin lives with us.
Learn to solder area
Come learn to solder, it is easy and you’ll walk off the proud owner of a flashing LED badge.
SportSense (Edmond O’Connor)
Wearable wireless body area network for sports performance analysis.
The system is built using an Arduino LilyPad, three sensors and wireless radios. It measures Heart rate, accelerations and GPS positioning. I built a JavaScript application to display the data in realtime. The Arduino and sensors are packed into a small enclosure and inserted into a pocket on the back of a tight fitting sports vest.
Ed Devane Instruments
Coming from a music technology and production background, in recent years Ed Devane has moved into the roles of instrument builder (setting up a dedicated workshop in Dublin) and music workshop facilitator. Interested in the crossover between these pursuits, Ed’s workshops contain elements of instrument building, group music making, active listening and music appreciation, spiced with nuggets of physics, manufacturing techniques, history, perceptual psychology and sociology. At this year’s Faire, Ed will present some of his instruments and hand made equipment, and allow spectators to try out different types of sound making objects and audio sensors.
Living Maths (Jennifer Kelly)
Structure v Function: are they always 100 % compatible. Proof v Probability: which do we need and which do we rely on? Some mathematical concepts that can be demonstrated using everyday materials!
eShapeoko Build (Liam Fletcher)
Demo of Open hardware home built CNC machine Called “eShapeoko”
FabAllThings is for design lovers and makers. We 3D print, laser-cut and CNC mill beautiful things. Visit us at www.faballthings.com to see our design range and to co-create unique products with us.
pbrobots (Paul Brady)
Hand built Robot sculptures created from found objects www.pbrobots.com
The Robot Foundry (Domhnall O’Hanlon)
The Robot Foundry is an Irish-based start-up that wants to make affordable, entertaining and educational robotics platforms available in the form of modular and hackable robotics kits
At Dublin Mini Maker Faire we are launching our first product, “The Cardbot”, a 4-in-1 platform that builders can use to create a variety of 2 wheel drive bots. www.thecardbot.com
Frankensteiny Shoes / Tachyonic (Angie Duignan)
Frankensteiny shoes are silent/static/dead until the photo sensor beam is triggered by the audience, and then they come to life for a moment! www.interactiveshoes.tumblr.com
WeCreate (Anthony Kelly)
WeCreate Workspace at Cloughjordan Ecovillage www.wecreate.ie
The Extraordinaires from The Creativity Hub
How would you design a music player for a giant, what about a cooking utensil for a fairy… or a gift for an evil genius?
The Creativity Hub was founded by husband and wife team Rory O’Connor and Anita Murphy to create games and tools to help people think in new ways. While Rory’s Story Cubes was created to fire the imagination of everyone, The Extraordinaires Design Studio will inspire the next generation of design thinkers.http://www.extraordinaires.com/