Members of the Dublin hackerspace TOG will be showcasing some of their projects and creations, including a self stirring spoon in a teacup, Tachyonic Antitelephone, Fabric cadaver, TwitterKnitter v2, Brainwav headset, RFID controlled robot arm and a mobile duck!
Intel Galileo Hub
Intel Ireland is celebrating their 25th anniversary here in Ireland will also be demonstrating their Intel Galileo boards at Dublin Maker 2014. Intel will be demonstrating the versatility of the Galileo board with a number of demos such as Thingscape.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on Thingscape.
Check out the Meet the Sponsor post for more details on the Make It Wearable Challenge.
Doggy Internet Treater
An Arduino-based gizmo to remotely feed treats to my dog (Timber) over the Internet. It was hobbled together from a cereal tin, a servo an Arduino Uno + Internet shield and a few bits and pieces lying around the house. It’s great for giving Timber a treat from bed on lazy Sunday mornings to keep him happy.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details for Doggy Internet Treater.
Institute of Physics Ireland
We will be launching paper rockets that you create across the cricket pitch in Trinity. As well as demonstrating how to make Physic Toys we intend to include a ” Make your own Magic” section where we will show who to make simple magic kit -with underlining science principle. We will also have lots of freebies to give away.
Virtual Reality is Real
We at MissionV will demonstrate the Oculus Rift headset using a variety of software demos, some of which are not our own and some of which are. These will give visitors a range of experiences to help them understand the vast possibilities of virtual reality.
Heritage & Interaction
For the exhibition we plan on bringing a butter churn that people can use to to churn out folk stories related to the superstitions involved in butter making. The stories will be delivered through audio (speaker) and text (thermal printer). We may also bring some of our other projects such as the milk churn and the playful & social handheld artefacts. Our aim is to share and show some of our work which aims to create novel and tangible experiences for visitor to heritage sites using open source technologies.
Our exhibit allows members of the public to use a stationary bicycle to generate graphics on a free standing projection screen in front of them. The bicycle is mounted onto a stand and is fitted with an Arduino and various switches. These switches record the user’s interactions with the bicycle e.g. steering, pedalling, pulling brakes etc. The information from these switches via the Arduino is relayed back to a laptop which is running Processing. The program uses this information to produce “generative art” graphics which are displayed on a projection screen via a projector mounted to the front of the bicycle. The graphics are generated in real-time so the user sees instantly how their actions are controlling the visuals in front of them.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on PedalSketch
Fish and Plants grown together in one integrated system. Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil less cultivation of plants in water). AQUAlab raises Tilapia & Rainbow Trout as a food source while helping to grow beds of cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, hot chilli peppers, leafy greens, edible flowers, delicious micro-greens & fragrant herbs all totally organic & fresh. AQUAlab integrates aquaponics through renewable energies, LED efficient lighting, re-circulating hydroponics, open source micro processing, STEM educational principals, ecological monitoring & environmental awareness.
Pye Radio
The project is a 1950 Dublin made Pye radio that has been given a (dodgy some would say) paint job and converted to an internet radio using a Raspberry Pi .
Fantastic Feathers
I am a milliner based in Dublin and this feather I am obsessed with working with feathers. I would like to exhibit some of my headpieces and show the process of making one.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on Fantastic Feathers
Fab Lab NI
FabLab (fabrication laboratory) is a fully kitted fabrication workshop which gives everyone in the community, from small children through to entrepreneurs and businesses, the capability to turn their ideas and concepts into reality. Using open source software, and a selection of computer controlled machines, users can design and make almost anything. FabLab NI will be hosting a programme of maker workshops utilising laser cutters, 3d printers, vinyl cutters and various other cnc machines. All workshops are free. Registration will be required on the day.
RoboSlam is an ultra low-cost robot building workshop for beginners – a rapid introduction to building robots using “real” electronic components. Our mission is to create a recipe for an incredibly inexpensive robot (our target is €10) that’s easy to build and easy to teach others to build. We want to make it easy and affordable for people who are interested in robotics to learn about it and to run workshops where others can learn too. At Dublin Maker, we’ll be showing visitors some of our low-cost robot designs and a few other prototype pieces we’re working on. We’ll also have facilities for a limited number of volunteers to try out some robot building for themselves!
I make Lace. I want to show people the processes involved in Lacemaking. These are age old techniques and indigenous to Ireland. However, I have been developing new designs and new approaches to stitches creating new and individual objects. They are delicate and fragile and it is only when you look closely that you see all the hard work and tiny details.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on LoveLace
Maker Electronics
Maker Electronics (www.maker.ie) teach musicians how to make their own unique electronic equipment. On the day we will have synths, guitar pedals, and circuit bent toys to play with. Let’s make some noise!
Ev3 Mindstorms
The EV3 is a robot, made from electronic lego. It walks and talks! The robot was built by one of our Young Makers, 9 year old Lauren.
3D Printed Dragon
Last year I had a 3D printer and animatronic dragon head. I have built a 3D printer delta and redesigned and built more of my dragon now with chest and working neck. I will have a stand with 3D printers or robots. I built quadcopter but still learning to fly. I also customise vinyl toys and build custom models.
Making Beer hosted by The National Homebrew Club
We will be brewing a beer, mashing the grain, collecting the wort, boiling the wort We will have homemade stir plates with active yeast growing. Also the components of the stirplates to show how this is done. We will have homemade fermentation temperature controllers and lots of other homemade bits and bobs used by homebrewers.
South East Makerspace (SEMS)
We will be demoing a number of SEMS projects which have been carried out over the last year such as: Driving a Sphero Robot with Node js, Pinhole Photography, Network & Application Security, High Altitude Adventures, Solar power and its ups and downs, The Red Phone project.
Open Source Drum Kit
When my daughter said she wanted to learn to play the drums, I thought “Right – time to make an electronic drumkit!” I’ve been playing with CD quality setero audio output from low cost PIC microcontrollers a few months earlier, and this seemed like an ideal application. There are plenty of examples on the Internet on how to make drum pads, but not a complete, standalone kit + synthesiser. I write about PIC Microcontrollers for the magazine “”Everyday Practical Electronics””, so the PIC seemed the obvious choice. This is an Arduino free zone. So I set out to design a kit that would be cheap, and easy to make.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on Open Source Drum Kit.
The Human Clock
Our Creative Director had an idea, a take on the traditional three clocks seen in an office reception, except whereby the clock faces would show a realtime feed of Instagram photos form the locations. Given that challenge we set out to build it, using old flatscreen monitors, Ikea clockfaces, carpentry, Raspberry Pi’s, webapps & a whole lot of determination. Using Instagram’s API, the Human Clock takes a feed from any location and tracks images shared across the globe. Set the clock to the place you want and you’ll get a visual stream from that city.
Metal Sculpture – Donnacha Cahill
This demonstration will give an insight into some of the techniques I use to create my sculptural pieces. There will be a lot of fire and spark as I will be showing how I work with hot metal
Open ROV
OpenROV, a remote operated vehicle for exploring underwater. Based on BeagleBone Black and a modified Arduino Cape.
We make Patchblocks, programmable, hackable mini synthesiser modules. Our free software allows you to develop your own modular synth without any soldering or writing code. Patchblocks are small, affordable and portable.
CNC Systems Empower your design Ideas
StoneyCNC will showcase the power of CNC technology by demonstrating a range of tabletop and desktop computer controlled systems. 3D printing, Vinyl cutting, 3D routing of timber will be some of the examples on show at Dublin Maker.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on StoneyCNC
Dogman Guitars
The key area of my exhibition would be my cigarbox guitars, with a side of other made implements, home made fishing spearguns to an array of camping stoves,and other homemade items.
Brain-Wave Reading Technology
This exhibit will showcase a number of EEG (Electroencephalography) – brain-wave reading – devices and related demonstration applications. It will be interactive allowing participants to try a range of these devices and see them working – that is reading their brain-waves and translating these into some meaningful information on a computer such as to con-trol a keyboard or simply to see measures such as attention level.
Make, Music, Mayhem
For the last couple of years we have exhibited a collection of synthesizer instruments and effects at Dublin Maker that we have been building at NUI Maynooth. Also, we have had robotics demonstrations and interactive systems. This year we’d like to extend our exhibit by including some more new effects we are currently making using set of Intel Galileo boards given to us by Intel. We doing some FFT-based spectral processors for the guitar. We have built a special guitar body already for it. It looks like a cross between a lap steel and a normal guitar. We are also going to do a voice processor, our alternative to autotune!This year we’d like to extend our exhibit by including some more new effects we are currently making using set of Intel Galileo boards given to us by Intel. We doing some FFT-based spectral processors for the guitar. We have built a special guitar body already for it. It looks like a cross between a lap steel and a normal guitar. We are also going to do a voice processor, our alternative to autotune!
Big Robot
Its’ a big giant toy robot statue. Based off of the old style wind up tin robot toys from the 50s. The sculpture will be approx 8ft tall and painted bright and colourful which will attract lots of attention from kids and adults. People will want to get their picture taken with “”big robot”” and it will be one of the main focal points of Dublin Maker.
The Bedroom Laboratory
At last year’s Dublin Maker we showed off our DIY Home Automation Station. The station read data from sensors and we had an interactive web-interface to automatically control different household appliances. At our stall we had a people counter, automated lighting and temperature control and the “Perfect” Bagel Oven©. We’ve already tackled the intelligent thermostat in The Deconstruction 2013 event. It was a great success and we won the “Best in Internets”, or the “making the internet a better place” award. This year we’ll be breaking out some of our newer projects, which include interactive wireless sensors, wall-socket power monitoring with wireless control and hopefully, event triggering with a Raspberry Pi camera module. We also hope to have some fun interactive projects for people to get hands on.
Indie Biotech
Teams from this years accelerator program will be showing off their synbiotech. Which will include a DNA Rapid Prototyper, Fermented Coffee, Color Changing Bio-cocktails and Yeast brewed Milk.
Sines and Waves
I would like to showcase a number of projects that I have being working on over the last year. I held a science workshop for kids a few weeks ago, entitled movement in nature, where I demonstrated waves, gyroscopic motion, pendulums, and flow. I made props to demonstrate various principles that are interactive. I have built a laser harmonograph that draws the shape of sound and I am currently trying to incorporate Intel Galileo boards into 2 small projects that will be ready for display. I think the my infinity sea would be suitable for demonstration. This is a moving plane repeated to infinity by mirrors, making the sine wave plane look like an infinite ocean.
Lightbox Lab
Lightbox Lab (North East Maker Space) is a planned collaborative space for the Louth and Meath area. The aim of the Lightbox lab project is to provide a shared workspace where anybody with an interest in different aspects of technology,be they creative or purely technical can bring their ideas, projects and resources together in order to learn and share knowledge within a relaxed environment. Displays of different Arduino, Raspberry Pi projects, Leds and so forth
PiPhone plus other Raspberry Pi projects
Several different projects based on Raspberry Pi: PiPhone, cellphone based on Raspberry Pi Lapse-Pi – Time-lapse Rail based on Raspberry Pi, with touchscreen controller. Camera-Pi – DLSR accessory to wirelessly control a DLSR camera. Drop Pi – Controller for Water Droplet photography Pi-Rex – Bark Activated door opener.
Adore, Adorn, Play
Niki & Cheryl have been playing around with pure wool, LEDs, Arduinos and bespoke cast silver. They are bringing you reactive jewellery pieces based on Irish Folklore. – A necklace that tells the weather – A scarf that heals your cough – A pub crawl bracelet Come and see how Irish traditions and technology mesh and make your own adornment.
LayerLabz 3D Printing
We manufacture and sell Irelands first FDM 3D Printer, we would like to run a workshop for kids to design and print their own objects
The Home Science Kitchen
The aim of this exhibit is to showcase the ability to carry out simple yet fascinating biology experiments in the comfort of your own kitchen! We will demonstrate basic biological processes and cellular reactions using everyday appliances and cooking ingredients. Essentially, we want to highlight the accessibility of the BioHacker movement by encouraging visitors of all ages to learn something new and be inspired to get involved.
Hand made robots from found objects
Mouse’s Ears – Development of a computer mouse that senses users’ subconscious reactions
In this project I made a computer mouse with heart rate and perspiration sensors. I also programmed software that makes use of this data in a game. In this embodiment, I have made a quiz, as it is an easy and effective way to display its capabilities. People visiting my stand will be able to play the quiz, which will attempt to adapt its questions to be more stimulating and challenging to the user, as well as telling them what it thinks stimulates them the most.
Fun with recycled materials (newspaper)
This workshop teaches everybody to use traditional basket weaving methods using rolled newspapers instead of willow. I will show them the important basic steps to make a woven basket. It will be great fun. I believe crafting is good for the soul and using discarded materials is great for the planet. Why don’t we connect these two things together and think about trash as treasure. My Motto: C. R. A. F. T. Creative Recycle AffordableFun Try it! Save the environment and your money and create unique and useful things from rubbish. Recycling is our future.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on Fun with Recycled Materials.
Clubhouse Makers
The young people of the SWICN Computer Clubhouse will showing their innovative projects created with Lego Robotics, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Scratch, Makey Makey and more. The exhibition will be highly interactive and fun.
Printing the future
A group of students/staff at UCD who have just gotten a load of ultimaker printers as part of the innovation section of the university. People in the groups are using their printers for applications from jewellery production, biomaterial manufacturing and engineering design. The idea is to exhibit some of the Interesting technical work being done in this group.
3rocky Pi 1
WiFi/Internet Radio, based on Raspberry Pi + GPIO with LEDs and some switches to control changing station. Changing stations results is the corresponding LED for that station lighting up – providing a sense of interactivity that reminds us of moving the needle along the dial on older radios. Radio can be controlled via 3rd party smartphone app and will have some surprise features like a sound scheme and possibly a feature to tweet whatever is currently playing. There is a brief video on the blog which shows a proof of concept from March. Currently assembling a wooden enclosure with a proper radio facade for the radio.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details for 3Rocky Pi 1.
Mobile Pillow Alarm Clock
I’m sewing an alarm clock with a small display and vibrating actuators, using LilyPad on a cotton cloth shaped like a belt. I plan to apply such a belt around pillows so that it can be moved dynamically around any pillow preferred. It then allows the users to look at the time without any need to move their head from the pillow when in bed and wakes them up by making the pillow vibrating.
Awky RoBo
As part of my Fine Art Media course, I have been interested in the cyclical relationship between people and their technological devices. By working with the Kinect and Processing, I’ve been finding ways to personify and anthropamorphise common feelings such as awkwardness through them. The piece reacts to the amount of people around it and grows smaller and more shy. However, when almost no one is around it is impressive and colourful.
We will be showing off the range of workshops and activities that Make Shop provide. We’ll have demos of some of the interesting contraptions you can create, including the mini optical theremin, the Drawdio pencil, and the electronic xylophone. We’ll be allowing people to make their own mini catapult out of pegs and lollipop sticks.
Check out the Meet the Maker post for more details on Makeshop.
3D Dave
My name is 3D Dave and I’ve been working in 3D, animation and graphics for the last 13 years. I have a passion is for all things 3D and I am currently working on projects to create models, rigging, lighting, texturing and animation.
Morf Audio
I have been making lots of mostly analog audio related electronic devices including for example modulation effects, oscillators, delays, dub sirens and modules for analog synthesis. The devices are all interactive and feature control voltage parameters, so for the exhibit I plan to link up/chain a number of modules and visitors to the exhibit can play/interact with the instruments/effects. I design all the effects myself from schematic through to breadboard, pcb design, prototyping and build/assembly. I am currently in the process of setting up my website and working with a business mentor to develop my start up idea.
Dalriada robotics
A collection of hands on robotics displays for kids to play with. Will be bringing down a few robotic arms, maybe some driving around robots and perhaps a few other surprises. After the success of last years exhibit, we will be repeating some of the stuff. We will be running with at least this year 2 robotic arms hooked up with Raspberry Pis, one controlled by a wiimote and another controlled by a gamepad, may also be controlled by wiimote. 1 robotic panorama robot with onboard live streaming camera which can be controlled directly by the kids.