Makers 2021

Sow here’s our list of Makers for this year’s virtual Dublin Maker on Sat June 19 – Sun Jun 20.

In fact, it’s the opposite of boaring, and we are super excited and won’t hog on to all the awesome Makers and their projects, check them out below! Please note that there will be no Makers in Gather Town on Sunday, June 20th but all their great videos, posters and information about their projects.

Don’t forget to sign up for the event here.

Zone 1

M01 – Harry Potter Book Nook

This year Crafty Nathan will be making a custom Harry Potter Booknook. Featuring the magical library filled with hundreds of hand made books, shelves, lights and creaking floorboards.

Follow along with a tutorial on how to make your very own booknook !


Organisation/Maker: CLAYTESSA / Tess Bryan (Offaly, Ireland)

M03 – Art Jumbler

A virtual montage created in real time during the Dublin Maker event using a mixture of visitor-contributed graphical elements, programmatic art and human curation.

Visitors will contribute graphical elements, such as drawings and photos, which will form source material for the montage. Programmatic art algorithms will be used to transform the contributed elements into a lush landscape of shapes and textures. Visitor interaction (e.g. vocalisations, gestures) may be used to control the programmatic generation process.

The final result will be a unique collaborative artwork that will remain online, created by the visitors over the course of the event.

M04 – PrintLab at the National Print Museum

PrintLab at the National Print Museum is a print-related maker space combining the tradition of letterpress printing and new technologies. The space includes a mid 20th Century Vandercook proofing press as well as a 3D printer, exposure unit, die-cutting machines and the use of the National Print Museum’s collection of metal and wood type. We welcome children of all ages to take part in printing workshops! 

Our stand will be based in PrintLab in the National Print Museum. We have a number of short printing videos already prepared and we can deliver a live viewing of the space and whatever we’re working on at the moment. 

  • Organisation/Maker: National Print Museum / Mary Plunkett (Dublin, Ireland)
  • About The National Print Museum: The National Print Museum champions print and its impact on the world. The Museum has since inception, aspired to preserve the story of printing – a technology that changed the world and is to this day is of course one of man’s greatest inventions. It is an incredibly special place where heritage, craft and technology of printing live and thrive. The Museum is located in the Garrison Chapel of Beggars Bush Barracks in Dublin. 

M06 – Learn to program with Crafty Robots

Participants will share a robot control script with the makers who will run it on their server.  The game output will be streamed via a video link

  • Organisation/Maker: TU Dublin / Frank & Oran Duignan (Dublin, Ireland)

M07 – Ability and Batteries

Battery-powered projects around e-mobility, home automation, teaching, re-use and disabilities

Some of the projects are to fulfil specific needs for my son, Leon. I will be presenting together with my daughter Sophia.

Zone 2

M08 – Tog Hackerspace

We will showcase project from members of our makerspace. These will include a interactive jumping game over the internet, IOT weather station and much more.  

  • Organisation/Maker: TOG Hackerspace / Jeffrey Roe (Dublin, Ireland)
  • About TOG Hackerspace: We are a hacker/makerspace in Dublin. 

M09 – The Future of Water in Ireland Goes Digital

The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics and the Water Institute at DCU are collaborating with Arup to explore artificial intelligence (AI) opportunities for a better integrated management system for Ireland.

M10 – Denise Buckley

I make quilled art pieces

M11 – Rachana’s Creation

I am a passionate artist always eager to learn any new form of art and craft and love transferring my knowledge among people specially  kids with an aim to develop their mind with creativity. Art is meditation and mindfulness for me. Learning & Development specialist (HR) by professional I use my creative skills to enhance my professional skills. Although I am inclined to any historical art of civilisation, I have keen interest in Indian tribal and folk art forms. Madhubani painting (geometrical figures)from east indian, Warli painting (tribal life rituals with triangular figures) from west India, Lippan Art (mirror work) and Kaalamkari from central region of India.  

M12 – ByoWave

At ByoWave we have developed modular video game controllers for disabled gamers.

M13 – Imagination Station Green Scene

Due to covid and Brexit it is getting very difficult to get creative materials but children need look no further than their recycle bin. Arty Marty from Imagination Station will do lots of fantastic tutorials to make amazing creations from the clean recycle waste in their own recycle bin.

M14 – Make Racers

Design student here, working on my final year project named “Make Racers” Which is in early development. The concept is to sell kits with cardboard making tools which are used to create cars, which are then scanned into an app using mobile scanning technology (The stand in scanning app atm is Qlone) Then the unique and custom cars can be raced against friends/online on a mario kart style racing app. This is designed for children 10-16 to promote creativity and spatial intelligence skills in young people while making the “educational” bits of the toy be motivated by online gaming fun. The app side of things is not developed at all, just the kit, but the plan is to develop this as a kickstarter project after college ends and try to secure funding to make it a commercial reality.

  • Organisation/Maker: Eoghan Roe (Dublin, Ireland)

Zone 3

M15 – Gaming as Gaeilge 

We want to help you to use of Irish in a fun and creative way, through interactive games! Explore the world of online gaming and develop a more fluid and natural use of the Irish language among beginners and more experienced Irish speakers. 

  • Organisation/Maker: Camara Ireland / Eddie Quinn (Ireland)
  • About Camara Ireland: Camara Ireland want to ensure that educators are confident in the use of ICT to achieve positive outcomes for young people. To achieve this we work across the formal (schools) and non-formal (youth work) education sectors. 

M16 – Tech Féile Exhibition

Join us for a whistle-stop tour of this year’s Tech Féile exhibition and livestream. This annual competition focuses on the achievements of young people who have created incredible tech projects through Irish. Join us for a look at the Clár TechSpace programme and see how you can get involved!

  • Organisation/Maker: Camara Ireland / Séamus Ó Fátharta (Ireland)
  • About Camara Ireland: Camara Ireland wants to ensure that educators are confident in the use of ICT to achieve positive outcomes for young people. To achieve this we work across the formal (schools) and non-formal (youth work) education sectors.

M17 – Creative Tech Fest Virtual Gallery

Now’s your chance to hear all about Creative Tech Fest 2021! This annual event showcases and awards the achievements of young people who have created incredible tech projects. Visit the Creative Tech Fest stand at Dublin Maker and find out how you can get involved in this year’s event! 

  • Organisation/Maker: Camara Ireland / Jen Hesnan (Ireland)
  • About Camara Ireland: Camara Ireland wants to ensure that educators are confident in the use of ICT to achieve positive outcomes for young people. To achieve this we work across the formal (schools) and non-formal (youth work) education sectors.

M18 – The SkooChoo

Young Engineer Awards Finalists 2021. It’s a device that connects two scooters together, like a tandem scooter! It is a climate conscious project to help reduce the need for cars on short journeys.

M19 – The Grabbot

It’s a modified drone with a magnet attached so it can pick up metal rubbish in hard to reach rivers and waterways. It was designed to help clean up our rivers and waterways, trying to get to the metal rubbish found in the more remote parts of the rivers etc.

M20 – DIY Virtual MakerSpace

Explore our MakerSpace in Virtual Reality! 

Users can use a phone, tablet or desktop to wander around a TechSpace virtual makerspace in VR or AR. There will be options to interact within the virtual space through clickable objects that provide Maker information and interactive activities which you can try at home. 

M21 – Material8

To live sustainably on this planet, we need to change how we make & use materials. There should be no such thing as waste; we have to change our idea and associations of waste to achieve a full circular economy and sustainability.

Making & designing for zero waste; exploring, educating & playing with possibilities. Making Workshop & discussions on biomaterials & bioplastics

As our resources dwindle and people become more aware of waste and the impact on the environment, recycling discarded waste into innovative materials is the way forward. 

Zone 4

M22 – Making it move using cams, string and air

I want to show off the models we make using TechCard. TechCard is a type of cardboard meccano made from recycled cardboard. We use it as a base for making all sorts of models – drawbridges, cranes, fairground rides, merry go rounds, tipper trucks and even a flying bumble bee. 

  • Organisation/Maker: Anyone 4 Science / Christine Campbell (Wicklow, Ireland)
  • About Anyone 4 Science: We provide fun hands on science, engineering and maths

M23 – Make your own sounds with VCVrack – a software Modular synthesizer

This is a workshop/demonstration on using VCVrack

M24 – Irish Crochet Lace Revival

Handmade Lace – specifically Irish crochet

  • Organisation/Maker: Irish Crochet Lace Revival / Fiona O’Hara (Kildare/Dublin, Ireland)
  • About Irish Crochet Lace Revival: Lacemakers trying to learn the almost lost skills of Irish Crochet Lace and reimagine this kind of lacemaking to ensure the skills are preserved into the future.

M25 – The Waving robot

We made a robot that waves when it detects someone coming close to it

  • Organisation/Maker: Transpoco / Andrew Fleury (Dublin, Ireland)

M26 – Engineering World Health

We are a student led organisation working with Engineering World Health to try and imagine healthcare solutions for low and middle income countries. We currently have two project teams that are active, and descriptions of each can be seen below:

1. Bronchoscope Training Solutions: Aiming to build a realistic 3d prototype of the the head, throat and airways to be used in training for bronchoscopy. To improve on the basic models currently available we also want to develop a low cost pressure sensitive layer to be implemented into the training model in more sensitive areas of the airways, such as the vocal chords, to provide more feedback to the trainee and better simulate the distressing action of straining the vocal chords and airways during the procedure.

2. Epilepsy in the developing world: Developing a minimally-invasive, fast-acting transbuccal drug delivery device which is used to deploy seizure drugs while being easy to use and minimizing the risk for both parties. Today, 35% of trained caregivers deploy the medication in the wrong location in the mouth. Our device simplifies the process for maintaining the correct placement during an emergency and creates a safer and more dignified environment for both the patient and caregiver.

Ideally, we would like to be able to exhibit both projects, alongside the prototypes associated with each.

  • Organisation/Maker: Engineering World Health UCD / Emma Bailey, Meg Brennan, Wisam Idris (Dublin, Ireland)
  • About Engineering World Health: EWH advances healthcare in LMICs through innovative design challenges. We are the first irish branch of the organisation and we are passionate about designing effective solutions and advancing healthcare worldwide.

M28 – RGB LED Face Mask

I made an light up face mask that scrolls what you’re saying across your mask! It’s controlled by a small ESP32, two Neopixels matrices and a small lipo battery and fits inside my face mask. 

I made it for element14 but have the full rights to show it off elsewhere. It was featured in Hackspace magazine as well.

Zone 5

M29 – Radio Lockdown!

There are a number of things we are aiming to show the public.

A) A “maker” video showing how to make a radio receiver and antenna from household materials e.g. cardboard tube, tin foil tube & some wire – followed by a live Q&A session.

B) Stream Live amateur radio stations on air. We will do a number of live sessions over the two days.

  1. Voice communications.
  2. Digital communications
  3. Morse Code
  4. Amateur Radio / Communications technology & practice talks with Q&As

The operator(s) at each session will demonstrate operations, practice and equipment and take questions from visitors. They will also have the ability to screen share some aspects of the technology in action e.g. software defined receivers, decoding software, etc.

C) Amateur Television (yes this a thing!). The amateur radio license is actually called a “Radio Experimenters” license & gives holders access to all parts of the spectrum.

There are two members of the club who experiment in building Amateur TV equipment and transmitting Amateur TV signals. They are attempting to record a demonstration video whereby they will explain the back end of the homemade equipment and record a live amateur TV transmission.

D) The virtual “booth” we plan to have multimedia amateur radio promotional materials on display e.g. posters, videos etc.

M30 – Short, Simple Maker Projects

We will make short simple Maker projects for people to follow along with (and Make!) at home.

  • Organisation/Maker: MakerMeet / Chris Reina (Killarney, Ireland)
  • About MakerMeet: Providing Maker-led, project-based workshops to education, enterprise and private sectors.

M31 – Saraden Designs Millinery Atelier 

I am an award winning Milliner and I handmake all my own fabrics and designs inhouse. I have had designs on the runways of London, Belfast and Leicester Fashion Weeks as well as exhibitions tin Europe. I often give talks about my work and what exactly I do. I would like to have an exhibition of some of my designs that have featured in these exhibitions and shows and go through my process. My background is in sculpture which is echoed throughout my work, my pieces are often referred to as pieces of wearable art. My brand is a slow fashion brand meaning I do not mass produce any of my work and I support the idea of creating, designing and buying pieces for quality & longevity.

I teach Fashion Design to children ages 7-15 also and I show them my pieces as inspiration as to what they can achieve if they set their minds to it. I dont follow any traditional millinery methods either and feel I have created my own niche with my brand. There is often queries as to how I make my fabrics, this is not something I disclose as it is my trade secret but it is always interesting to hear others opinions on how it is made and gets a conversation flowing

Organisation/Maker: Saraden Designs Millinery Atelier / Sarah O’ Rourke (Meath, Ireland)

M32 – Max – The Amphibious Quadruped Robot

My final year mechatronic engineering project, an amphibious quadruped exploratory robot. The robot uses its four legs to traverse land and swims on the surface of water using paddles attached to its legs for additional propulsion. It is controlled remotely with a GUI.

  • Organisation/Maker: Daisy Brown (Dublin, Ireland)

M34 – Airsoft & Paintball Props

A multi Game electronic, Hollywood Movie style, bomb prop. Multiple game modes, flashing lights, and a 120dB siren – what more could you want

I wanted to create something to make Airsoft games more dynamic, so I taught myself to solder and code to build these props- note the early ones were rough! but you are never too old to learn something new, and practice makes perfect (or at least a little bit neater)

Zone 6

M35 – Fondas Miniatures

My miniature world, tiny handcrafted items 

  • Organisation/Maker: Fondas Miniatures / Xenofon Chatzidimitriou (Kildare, Ireland)

M36 – 3D Modelling in Oculus VR to 3D Print

We will use the Gravity Sketch application on the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset to model in 3D and then take that model and (hopefully) 3D print it.

This will be the first time we have tried to do 3D modelling in VR and then 3D print it so this is both an experiment and hopefully a tutorial at the same time. If we fail at least we will have learnt something and had some fun along the way.

  • Organisation/Maker: Fab Lab Maker Hub / Stuart Lawn (Leitrim, Ireland)
  • About Fab Lab Maker Hub: We are a Mobile/Virtual Fab Lab based in Manorhamilton, Co.Leitrim.

M37 – Traditional Boyne Currach Making

Weaving hazel rods into a frame, covered with cow skin an skulled on the river

  • Organisation/Maker: Boyne Currach Heritage Group / Claidhbh Ó Gibne (Meath, Ireland)
  • About Boyne Currach Heritage Group: The Boyne Currach Heritage Group is based in the world heritage site of Brú na Boinne. Its aim is to rediscover ancient skills and crafts used by our Neolithic passage tomb ancestors who brought their civilisation and culture from Europe to our Irish shores, and left behind them threads of evidence that we now work from to try to explore who these people were and how they lived along the banks of the River Boyne.    

M38 – ecoTELLY

How to make ecoTELLY from printing out  cardboard templates to cutting and folding them into three stackable cubes. How to install the ECOTELLY augmented reality app and interact with the cubes to explore Ireland’s underwater marine life. 

M39 – Cement castings

How to make a cement casting or how to make things with reusable materials around the home.

Zone 7

M41 – David Flynn from Props Factory

We will have some of our makes on show, letting the community ask questions about how to make and offering professional advice with their own projects

  • Organisation/Maker: Props Factory / David Flynn (Dublin, Ireland)
  • About Props Factory: Makers of props, puppets and all sorts of things for fun and industry

M42 – Portable Mostly-Printed CNC Carver

I am building portable computer-controlled (CNC) carving machine to bring to makerspaces for CNC workshops. I am using the MPCNC plan (“Mostly-Printed CNC”) with many of my own modifications to allow the machine to be transportable. 

Here is where the MPCNC plans can be found:

M43 – Brickxology

I want to show kids and adults the fantastic things to make from LEGO that you already have at home. No buying expensive kits- getting creative and using imagination

  • Organisation/Maker: The Brickxclub / Kathy Lambkin (Meath, Ireland)
  • About The Brickxclub: After school clubs and creativity days in schools

M44 – JellyLab

We’ve quite a few ideas of things we think might be suitable for an online event, but to be honest it’s all still a bit vague! Overall, we’re trying to do something that might allow people to participate, rather than just watch – that’s always worked best in the “”live, in-person”” Dublin Makers we’ve been to. And tieing the whole thing together is the hope to demystify the scientific process and democratise discovery by showing people how to explore the world around them. 

We’ll probably demonstrate how to make a lego microscope, and we’re trying to come up with a remote controlled experiment (voice activated robotic microscope controlled over zoom maybe?) that people can actually participate in. We have ideas for a “”virtual heart dissection””, how to make pretty light shows with a laser, a wine glass, and a few drops of milk, and maybe a live experiment to see how microplastics affect the little comb jellies we work with in our lab.  

  • Organisation/Maker: University College Dublin / Mark Pickering (Dublin, Ireland)
  • Twitter: @PickeringLab

M45 – Creative Reuse – giving a second life to single use materials

At Dublin Food Co-op we work really hard to reduce our waste materials by engaging in circular economy and reuse models as much as possible. However, there are some single use materials we still need (for the time being) so we’re working on exploring ways to engage our community in taking those materials home and reusing them creatively to give them a second lease of life. This includes a range of materials like large plastic bottles, plastic pallet wrap, cardboard till rolls, egg trays, wooden crates and cardboard. These can be reused to have practical uses like plant pots or more fun, decorative uses like Hallowe’en lanterns or paper flower garlands. Our images include some examples of what we’ve done along these lines in the past on our social media, and some reference images for ideas we are developing further. 

  • Organisation/Maker: Emma Kavanagh, in house designer and communications officer at Dublin Food Co-op (Dublin, Ireland)
  • About Dublin Food Co-op: Dublin Food Co-op is a member owned co-operative established in 1983. We are a community based social enterprise whose goals include working to give our community access to affordable organic food, supporting local and other co-ops and social enterprises, being as environmentally sustainable in our work as possible and empowering our community. 

M46 – Creative coding

I will be demoing creative coding projects in Processing and Unity