Meet the Maker: Sugru

We love Sugru. Sugru loves makers. Simple šŸ™‚ Check out the video below to find out what Sugru is all about.

As an added bonusĀ Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh the inventor of Sugru (which TIME Magazine named one of the 50 best inventions of 2010) will be giving a talk during the faire (4-5pm, in Paccar theatre, Science Gallery). Jane will tell us why the future needs fixing and how the hacking and making culture could help sustain the planet. She will also be talking about the importance of good product design. The Sugru team will even bring along a “gift hack” for everyone in the audience. Like the Faire, the talk is absolutely free but you’ll need to book tickets in advanceĀ here

Sugru is the exciting new self-setting rubber that bonds to most other materials. Form it by hand into any shape and overnight it turns into a strong, flexible silicone rubber. Itā€™s been embraced by a growing community of over 100,000 gadget lovers, outdoor types, designer-makers, car enthusiasts, photographers and home-improvers all over the world to improve and repair their stuff.Ā Ā