Meet the Maker: TOG

Meet TOG, Dublin’s hackerspace. TOG will be showing off a wide range of electronic and craft projects on Saturday as well as running the “learn to solder” area.

TOG is a hackerspace based in Dublin City Centre. It is a shared space where members can have a place to be creative and work on their projects in an environment that is both inspiring and supportive of both new and old technologies. We had our first meeting on the 21st of January 2009 with a group of 17 people, some who had never met before, came together to form a group with the intention of setting up a hackerspace in Dublin. The meeting was great and everyone was full of enthusiasm.
In less then 3 months we had membership coming in from over 20 members and a roof over our head. The space is fully funded by its members and gives members 24/7 access to work on a project or just a place to hang out. For more photos check out our gallery.