Three turtles a-stitching @DublinMaker

Three turtles a-stitching @DublinMaker

Cesaro Star design by Jens Mönig On Saturday July 20th, Richard Millwood is hosting a TurtleStitch booth at Dublin Maker. He will be ably assisted by John Hegarty and Mags Amond. All three are active members of CESI. TurtleStitch, the…
 Dublin Linux Community

Dublin Linux Community

Around 2015, after several failed attempts to get a Linux User Group going in Dublin – coffee in the Science Gallery only goes so far – I stumbled upon a pre-built LUG that had been started right under my nose.…
 Team Maynooth / DCU

Team Maynooth / DCU

This team is a combined from people at Dublin City University and Maynooth University along with guest makers (Andrew!). We are showcasing and experimenting with computers, sound and music including highlighting earliest speech synthesis technologies versus current deep learning, artificial…
 Precious Plastic Dublin

Precious Plastic Dublin

Precious Plastic is an initiative that was started in the Netherlands in 2013 by Dave Hakkens, with the goal of empowering people to turn everyday plastic waste into valuable products. This has been achieved by making designs for various recycling…
 Artisee Café by Rachana Agrawal

Artisee Café by Rachana Agrawal

Artisee Cafe is a hub of unlimited creativity with anything and everything possible.  As a common practice, art & craft is perceived as either passion or profession. However, it is scientifically proven that creativity enhances one’s ability to learn and…


It is said that living in a city and working full time can make being a maker difficult, impossible even, lack of space, lack of time or lack of resources can all limit your creativity and make Making unrealistic. I…
 Revived Yarn – Makers for Charity

Revived Yarn – Makers for Charity

Did you know that there were 10,264 people homeless in the week of February 18th-24th 2019 across Ireland? Dublin area is severely affected by the issue, with more than 150 people sleeping rough and hundreds of families living in hotels,…
 Timewarp Arcade – Badge Building

Timewarp Arcade – Badge Building

Many conferences these days now have electronic badges (e.g. ) and this is just our attempt to create a low cost one for Dublin Maker. The badges consist of a micro-controller, display and buttons. As well as displaying the logo,…