I MADE a Zine

I MADE a Zine

I’ve been wanting to make a zine for awhile now. Especially when I came across Bubble Sort Zines and Julia Evan‘s Wizard Zines collection ranging from command line, linux, networking, http, bit and latest one is “How containers work”. I missed a zine workshop by Grrrlzine when they…
 Vicky’s First Maker Project

Vicky’s First Maker Project

This week was meant to be my first time attending a Makerfaire, it was going to be in Berlin. Unfortunately it was cancelled due to COVID-19. 😢 I had a small project to demo and it was inspired by The…
 Dublin Maker 2019 Official Video

Dublin Maker 2019 Official Video

Did you miss Dublin Maker this year, or you want to re-live those moments again. Here’s a video highlighting moments from Dublin Maker at Merrion Square this year. We had over 60 makers showcasing their projects on the day. Check…