10:30 - 13:00Tog Hackerspace - Repair Cafe
Repair Cafe
Do you have broken items at-home – clothes, small appliances, toys, electronics? No need to throw them away! Save your things from the landfill and your wallet from having to replace them. Bring them to our repair café and learn how to fix them together with our volunteers. We have tools, materials, space to work on your item, and repair experts who will help you with your repair.
13:15 - 14:45Makermeet
Make a Lighthouse Paper Circuit
In this workshop, participants will create a circuit to light an LED in a card - all on paper! This is a fantastic project for participants to make cards that light up and introduces them to basic circuitry. Participants take away their Paper Circuit at the end of the workshop. The project is easy to recreate and very good for occasions, holidays and special days. (Workshop includes Paper Circuit)
Workshop Cost €5.00 -
15:15 - 16:45Makermeet
Make a Spinner Toy (Whirlygig)
Create your very own Spinner Toy or “Whirlygig” - a toy that was originally made before the industrial age. It has now been refound and is currently being used as a “Paperfuge” - or an extremely low cost device that can replicate a centrifuge. When you make the Whirlygig to take home, with practice, your toy will be able to spin up to 125,000rpm!
11:00 - 12:30Makermeet
Make Clever Cardboard Creations
Using special reusable Scru’s and child-friendly tools, participants can make a variety of different objects such as buildings, robots and more! At the end of the workshop, participants can take away their creations and reusable tools! (Workshop includes a reusable Makedo Starter Kit)
Workshop Cost €10.00 -
14:00 - 15:30Change Clothes Crumlin
Sustainable Saturdays: Reuse and repair social
Join the team from Change Clothes Crumlin to try out different ways to upcycle old clothes into new treasures! Register for your FREE spot here:
15:45 - 17:15The Connective Detective - Build Your Own Smart City
The Connective Detective - Build Your Own Smart City
Dive into the fascinating world of smart cities with our interactive workshop, "The Connective Detective - Build Your Own Smart City." This engaging, hands-on experience invites participants to explore the concept of smart cities in a fun and imaginative way. You will discover what makes a city 'smart,' what technologies are involved, and see some real-life examples. Then, using micro:bits and recycling materials, you'll get the opportunity to design and construct your very own smart city.