Open Call 2015

Calling all makers, hackers, crafters, hobbyists, educators and technologists the DublinMaker open call is now live!

smith2The dust has been blown off the Dublin Maker robots and they have already started computing the optimal maker village layout for the 25th of July on grounds of Trinity College, Dublin. As always it will be a free community run event and great opportunity for you get to know other makers from all over Ireland and beyond. Last year we had 50 makers and over 8,000 visitors enjoy this family friendly event. The Dublin Maker monkeys tabulated the data and they think it was the best one yet and once we source enough bananas they will make us a infographic, until then we are just taking their word. Dublin Maker is Ireland’s biggest maker community showcase event and a real opportunity to excite and enthuse the general public about the great making communities and individuals you are.


If you missed last year or just want to be reminder about how much fun it was, check out this video.

Check out our Gallery and 2014 Makers.

For more details about the open call check

The event has grown every year, this will be our 4th outing. We are indebted each year to the makers that give their time to come out and make it happen, without you we would just have a lot of pretty empty tents. We would be delighted to see you this year with your new projects and very appreciative if you could spread the word on the social media tubes so we can have an even bigger more diverse event.

You’ll find us on:

Hope to see you in July,
The Dublin Maker Robot and Monkey organising union of Ireland