Meet the Maker – The VOICES Project

StampaSolutions to problems both large and small often come from bringing together people and ideas. At its core, the VOICES project (Views, Opinions and Ideas of Citizens in Europe on Science) is about working with people to identify problems and potential solutions to an often overlooked but very real problem of “Urban Waste.”

Over 70 million truckloads of household rubbish, “Urban Waste” are disposed each year across the EU. At Dublin Mini Maker Faire, the VOICES project will have a stand where some of the solutions identified by citizen groups will be put into action.

Visitors to the VOICES stand can try their hand at upcycling waste objects, turning unwanted materials into something useful, highlighting how many materials can be reused – something at the core of the project. Visitors will be able to make a smart phone speaker from rubbish, turn old clothing into cool accessories and waste paper into intricate decorations. Visitors can also submit their own concerns or ideas for solving Urban Waste problems, have a look at ideas collected from the Dublin VOICES group, and “fund” their favourite ideas for dealing with urban waste problems.