Meet the Maker: The Bedroom Laboratory

 Meet the Maker: The Bedroom Laboratory
We’re engineering geeks and proud to be so. Unfortunately we have been armchair geeks, looking at the unbelievable projects from the maker faires and hackadays of this world from a misty eyed distance saying “wow that project is cool!” We needed encouragement so we decided to setup the bedroom laboratory to get a group of us together to make interesting things. banner Why the name? Well living in a small apartment, I think a lot of people can relate to squeezing soldering stations and tools into Lack furniture from Ikea (sponsor us!) in the corner of their rooms! We love the idea of taking a group of different skills and bringing them together to make cool projects. There’s a good mix of hardware and software skills among us, which we used recently to win “the best in internets” award in the 2013 deconstruction.   For the Dublin Mini Maker Faire we will be showing our work, expanded from the deconstruction event, on making an open source home automation system. We’ll be looking at automating your lights, heating and even bagels using an array of different systems which will tie into a “home hub”. Come by our stall to check it out and say hi to our robot, Frankie.