Meet the Maker – PaperPetShop
Ever wished for a pet winged monkey or a pet shark? These Paper-Craft Pet templates enable people to create their own Paper Pets. This is a fun and interesting way to get children and adults making large 3D models quickly.
I’m Brian founder and owner of PaperPetShop. I make paper craft templates for people to create their own Paper Pets. This is a fun and interesting way to get children and adults making large 3D models quickly. The templates begin as markings on a flat sheet and by folding and matching tabs with numbers, one can achieve a large 3d model.
Papercrafting is a quick and viable way to bring 3d models from our screens into the real world. The possibilities really are endless. Examples of how these models can be used to create solid objects will be on display. What I am currently working on is how to get these models moving.