Meet the Maker – Unraveling the Knot

Unraveling the Knot- An Exploration of Celtic & Japanese Knots
What was the first knot you ever tied? The one you most recently made? Knots are part of our daily lives, but rarely do we reflect on them as part of our technological and cultural heritage. Knotting traditions predate our use of stone and metal and are imbued with cultural symbolic significance.
In this workshop, Unraveling the Knot, we will explore cultural knot traditions of Japan and Ireland in a playful circuitry project. Using pipe cleaners, LED lights and 3V coin cell batteries, participants will create light-up cultural knots and share personal knotting stories on sticky notes (stories will be shared back on project website: http://unravelingtheknot.weebl ). Collaboratively exploring knot art traditions can be a creative way to build connections among communities and to explore the common threads that bind us.
This project grew out of my interest in exploring both my Japanese and Irish heritage through maker projects that engage people with materials in unexpected ways. I am very grateful to be able to travel from California to participate in Dublin Maker. My workshops in Dublin are made possible with support from an Arts and Cultural Exchange Grant from the City of San Jose, the Alum Rock Educational Foundation, and Chester Beatty Library.