Meet the Maker – TechSpace
TechSpace Create,Invent, Inspire.
What is TechSpace you ask?
TechSpace is a national movement that aims to change the lives of young people in Ireland by becoming Ireland’s leading creative technology support network for outcome focused youth development.
So what exactly do we do?
We build the capacity of youth organisations and schools to run creative technology and STEAM education programmes. Through these programmes young people build confidence and 21st Century Skills; creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration, vital for their successful futures.
What can you expect to see on the day?
We plan to exhibit parts of the TechSpace Maker Programme which was supported by ESB’s energy for generations fund. In the Maker Programme young people have created robots, built their own speakers, programmed circuits, soldered circuit boards, made screaming fruit, created playable lifesize operation games and even make their very own holograms! Drop by on the day to get a demo of robots and DIY holograms from the TechSpacers, you might even get the chance to make your own!
To get a flavour of what TechSpace is like check out this video of our annual gathering called Creative Tech Fest:
If you would like to find out more about TechSpace to get it started within your area, email to be sent an information pack.