Dublin Maker Represented at Science Connecting People Conference in Zagreb

 Dublin Maker Represented at Science Connecting People Conference in Zagreb

We’re excited to announce that our very own Jeffrey Roe will be representing Dublin Maker at the upcoming Science Connecting People conference, taking place in Zagreb, Croatia from 26 to 28 September 2024.


The conference, organized by the FabLab.hr in collaboration with several key Croatian institutions, aims to bring together international leaders in science communication, popularization, and education to discuss how STEM can be a driver of development. The event will feature keynotes, panels, and discussions on crucial topics like building local STEM ecosystems, engaging communities, and fostering science education.

Jeffrey will be speaking on two panels:

  • Various Formats, Events, and Activities: This panel will explore how diverse spaces can be used to engage communities in science and technology activities. Jeffrey will share insights from Dublin Maker’s experience of organizing one of the most innovative and hands-on maker festivals in Ireland, and how we leverage unique formats to bring science and creativity to life for all ages.
  • Presentation of Events: In this session, Jeffrey will dive deeper into the unique challenges and successes of running events like Dublin Maker. He’ll be sharing our journey of hosting maker faires, celebrating creativity, and providing a platform for DIY enthusiasts, educators, and innovators to share their projects with the public. He’ll also discuss how Dublin Maker creates opportunities for science engagement and community-building.

At Dublin Maker, we’ve always believed in the power of community-led innovation and creative expression. Having Jeffrey share our experiences at this international platform is an exciting opportunity to highlight how events like ours are making a real impact, inspiring future makers, and building stronger STEM ecosystems.

Stay tuned as we bring back fresh ideas and insights from this incredible conference!