Repair Cafe

 Repair Cafe

We recognize the incredible skills that makers possess and their passion for continuous learning. That’s why we’ve partnered with makers to share their expertise in supporting the circular economy by extending the lifespan of our belongings. Over the next two years, we’ll be collaborating with Tog Hackerspace to bring a series of community events called Repair Cafés across the Dublin area.

A Repair Café is a community gathering where people can bring their broken items—such as appliances, clothing, or electronics—to be repaired by skilled volunteers for free. The goal is to promote sustainability and reduce waste by encouraging people to repair and reuse their belongings instead of discarding them.

At a Repair Café, visitors have the opportunity to learn how to repair their items themselves or watch and learn from the volunteers. These cafés also offer a social atmosphere where people can connect with others who share an interest in repairing, reducing waste, and promoting sustainability.

This year, at Dublin Maker, we will host one of these cafés on Sunday, September 1st, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. It’s the perfect chance to gather up any items you may have that need repair. Our team of makers will be on hand to help you along your journey of repair, offering advice, repairing where possible, and explaining how things work and the steps involved in fixing them.

Just book a regular ticket to Dublin Maker and bring along your item.

At our Repair Café, you can:

  • Learn essential repair techniques from our expert makers and volunteers.
  • Discover the joy of fixing things and reducing waste in a collaborative, community-focused environment.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals passionate about sustainability and the maker movement.

So, bring your broken treasures and join us for a day of mending, learning, and connection at the Repair Café. Together, we can build a more sustainable future and celebrate the power of repair!

If we can’t fix your items, we’ll do our best to suggest where to find spare parts or the best recycling options to help you continue your journey of repair.

This series of events is supported by funding from Science Foundation Ireland.