
MakerMeet was formed as a response to educators looking for practical skills in Maker education and project-based learning. We believe that we are all Makers and we are passionate about learning through making. The Constructionist approach to learning as set out by Seymour Papert underpins the student-centred, discovery-led S.T.E.A.M. workshops that we provide to the education, enterprise and private sectors. At MakerMeet, we believe all of us are born Makers. We have the ability to grasp things with our hands and minds, to rearrange the world around us to meet our needs and achieve our desires. We are makers of food, shelter and many other components of our lives. These basic skills are infrequently taught and valued in today’s society. We want to change that. The world around us does not just exist, it is made by us. We make it. Adam Savage (Mythbusters) sums it up nicely... “Humans do two things that make us unique from all other animals; we use tools and we tell stories and when you make something - you’re doing both at once.” Check out our workshops we are hosting over the weekend by visiting

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