Dublin Maker’s MADE Programme

Announcing MADE, a two-year Dublin Maker programme funded by Science Foundation Ireland and hosted by Dublin City University which seeks to knit together a currently fragmented regional maker scene through the introduction of a series of initiatives coordinated by our newest member, Vicky Twomey-Lee as the Maker Advocate. These include festivals, public maker space roll out, mobile makerspaces, corporate engagement, training for all and dissemination.
The MADE project has as its objective, the better embedding of maker culture thinking at all levels in Irish society and making it available to all. Starting with the greater Dublin region, building on our successful maker festival, the Maker Advocate will foster and support makers where ever they are and for the benefit of many. We have identified and target a wide range of activities for the life-time of the project which will act as the means for creating the impact we expect to see. The most ambitious of these activities is a partnership with Dublin City Public Libraries to roll out public maker facilities in public libraries. The mobile maker space will be used to facilitate making events with other key target groups including people with disabilities, older people and minority communities – all of which are underpinned by identified and committed community partners.With significant dissemination and campaigning, we envisaged a longer term future sought through better corporate social responsibility engagement with the specific partners.
The Maker Advocate position provides a focus point and year-round voice for the maker community and those seeking to integrate such thinking into their activities from public libraries, through educators, nonprofits and commercial entities.
“I’m excited to be part of the Dublin Maker team and the MADE initiative. Looking forward to connecting the community and bringing Maker culture to all areas of society.” — Vicky Twomey-Lee, Maker Advocate
P.S. Our open call has been extended for Dublin Maker this July. We are looking for educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, artists, science clubs, students, authors and commercial exhibitors of all ages and backgrounds. It’s our mission is to entertain, inform and connect the makers of Ireland, while inspiring the next generation of Ireland’s makers and inventors and we want you to be part of it.
Apply before May 15th. https://dublinmaker.ie/open-call/