Larger than life robots! Mechatronic marvels! Self-driving cars! The Mechatrons/Insight tents have it all. Pulled together by Peter Redmond do we have a spectacle for you! Witness two heavy weight robots box it out for the undisputed Dublin Maker Merrion Park championship! Test your driving skills against our AI-driven scale model racing cars on our 25 square meter race track.. See real machine learning in action. Pit yourself against AI! Ask the research team from Mechatrons, Insight and Transpoco how it all actually works – but please, save the really hard questions for Peter (as he is the master builder behind all the creations). Keep the easy questions for the rest of us, softball questions we will be happy to answer include “where do the batteries go?”, “Is that boxing robot running Skynet from the Terminator movie?”, “Why isn’t that boxing robot running Skynet from the Terminator movie?” and “When will that boxing robot be running Skynet from the Terminator movie?” yada, yada, yada.

Make your own batteries from common material that you can find around the house, and test out your battery by making a mini-torch! CCI is an informal education project about electrochemistry. Our modern society is facing into an energy crisis and we need to find more efficient ways to store and transport energy. CCI will show how chemistry and physics comes together to make and store the energy we need for our modern lives.
Make your own 3D printers from scratch. Join the community of RepRap and learn how 3D printing technologies are advanced by a maker communities around the world.

Lego Exhibition of our Architecture and pixel art builds.

Various electronic items with reused lithium batteries for enabling people with special needs, home automation, DIY E-Bikes, and potentially e-motorbike.

By combining screen printing and electronics you can explore Interactive Digitronic Art. Discover how using screen printing, cold soldering and programming you can simply touch a piece of art and trigger a sound!
Creative Spark centre for creativity and innovation in Dundalk, provides space, skills, technology, structures and a platform for peer support and capacity building for creative practitioners, start-ups and entrepreneurs. The Enterprise FabLab @ Creative Spark has a defined ambition to stimulate: Enterprise, Creativity, Innovation and Education in the North-East region through the establishment of a digital fabrication laboratory “FabLab”. A FabLab is a place to play, to create, to learn, to mentor, to invent: a place for learning and innovation. A central location which provides access to the environment, the skills, the materials and the advanced technology to allow anyone anywhere to make (almost) anything.

Saraden Designs Millinery Atelier is a slow Fashion brand who embraces the idea of creating designing and buying pieces for quality and longevity. Sarah is continuously striving to push boundaries and make bespoke pieces that are handmade, embrace sustainability and present themselves as wearable art pieces. I will be exhibiting my designs on the day.

What do you get when you combine fluffy wool fiber with soapy water AND agitation? You get FELT, an ancient non-woven fabric that has amazing properties. Felt is water and flame resistant and, of course, keeps you warm. FeltHappiness (Juliane Gorman) uses her imagination and HANDS to create colorful and whimsical wet-felted hats out of Merino wool. Come by and see behind the scenes of how a hat is made.

We are South Dublin Radio Club – Call sign EI2SDR. Amateur (Ham) Radio is a hobby that helps to bring people together, learn about technology, make new friends, and have fun with radio. We use the radio spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training and emergency communication. All amateur radio operators are “makers” – we design and construct antennae, radios, radio related equipment, and integrate the latest technologies into our projects. Many of us do not have a technical background & have benefited from the practical STEM learning our hobby gives. Our hobby is accessible to anyone, of any age. At our Maker exhibit we plan to demonstrate various aspects of our amateur radio, including some interactive exhibits:
• We plan to have active an active HF & VHF radio station operating for the duration of the festival. We will demonstrate world-wide voice and digital mode communication to visitors utilising a Transceiver with a mix of homemade & commercial equipment.
• Should radio propagation not play ball, we plan to have Digital Mobile Radio (DMR). Our DMR will connect to a WiFi hotspot. We can then connect via this internet gateway to any DMR repeater network worldwide and talk to people – maybe on Guam! We will demonstrate this using a homemade built project utilising a Raspberry-Pi
• We will have Morse Keys connected to homemade Oscillators (oscillators make a beep sound when you press the Morse key!). Yes, many of us “Hams” still learn and use Morse code for fun – it’s actually a very efficient mode of world-wide, low power, communication. We will place the Morse Code alphabet beside each Morse Key so visitors can have a go at it!
• We will have a Software Defined Radio waterfall running on a screen. The waterfall is a visual interpretation of the radio spectrum and graphically demonstrates radio signals in whichever part of the spectrum you are looking at. These signals can be commercial radio stations, utility signals, radar, satellite signals, even spy stations! You will see and hear them all. It’s a great tool to explain the radio spectrum to the uninitiated; what it is, how it’s utilised and the difference between different types of radio signals. Visitors will be able to click on different signals and listen to them through headphones
• We will have pop-up information stands from the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS). In particular we will have information on Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS). ARISS lets young people worldwide experience the excitement of talking directly with crew members of the International Space Station, inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM and engaging them with radio science technology through amateur radio. Members of our club, along with the IRTS, recently enabled two Irish secondary schools contact the ISS and ask Astronauts questions.
• This stand will also give the opportunity to speak about another aspect of our hobby – amateur satellites! Yes they are up there!

This year MakerMeet have been inspired by Cardboard (Pam and Hass weren’t paying attention and didn’t monitor Chris enough)! We present to you the “Cardboard Arcade”! Come join us and play games made (almost) entirely from cardboard, scru’s and hot glue. Inspired by “Caine’s Arcade” ( – and Chris’ odd fascination with cardboard – once again we bring fun, interactive play, inspiration and education to DublinMaker 2022.
For teachers and educators – we also recommend: Doug Robertson – The Weird Teacher to follow on Twitter: @TheWeirdTeacher. He is eerily keen on cardboard as well and has just released his newest book: “The Cardboard Classroom – A Design Thinking Guide” –

I’m exhibiting a self trained hobby/passion of mine, beginning with traditional mould making and casting pieces for costume design, later developing into a fascination with 3d printing

Clayotic ,all but chaotic is the first Irish brand of modelling clay. Non messy and air dries so you can make everything but a mess from Clayotic! Age 3 -103yrs. I will be facilitating drop in workshops on the day!

Turn the used coffee pods into jewelleries, gifts, ornaments

I’m a woodturner and woodcarver based in south Dublin.
I studied timber technology in DIT Bolton street. I also studied woodcarving in the college of Art on Thomas street. I now teach woodcarving myself.
My projects range from lamps and bowls to tree carvings and anything wood related. I’ve also done some restoration work for Dáil Éireann.
I’ve been a member of the Irish Woodturners guild (Dublin chapter) since 1989!

Anyone can be a scientist if they want to – that’s the idea at the heart of everything JellyLab does. Being a scientist is not about your qualifications or your job, it’s about how you ask and answer questions about the world around you. We’re a group of scientist-makers from UCD with a passion for democratising discovery and making the tools for scientific discovery and exploring the world around us accessible to all.
We’ll be showcasing (and explaining how to make) some of the simple scientific tools and instruments we’ve developed, and how to use them to answer questions about microplastic pollution, animal behaviour, or anything else you find interesting! Everything from lego microscopes, lasers to see sounds, and tiny sea creatures (including comb jellies!). We’ll also have some 3D printed human anatomy to show off too, and anything else we can think of before the day!

At Kinia, we believe that learning is life. As part of Dublin Maker 2022, we will showcase our most popular educational technologies and activities, which visitors can try out for themselves.
Come visit us and check out:
- Creative coding
- DIY circuits
- Podcasting booth
- Greenscreen corner
- Virtual reality experience
- DIY augmented reality
- 3D printed robots
- STEM as Gaeilge

UCD, Innovation Academy, Makers Space designing the future

Ian is a professional engineer, maker and YouTuber based in Wicklow. Ian has been making for most of his life, starting as a young child with lego and kinex, to learning to weld when he was 12 to graduating from college with a degree in electronic engineering. Outside of his day job as a software engineer, Ian’s making is mostly focused around building robots and electromechanical machines using 3d printing and other techniques. Aside from the actual making of things, Ian has more recently been writing and making videos documenting his work on his website and YouTube.

Our interactive stand will focus on how we use light from communications to medicine. We will use simple hands-on experiments for example water and food colouring to “talking” with fibre optic cables. Visitors to the stand will have a chance to learn about light, test their communication skills and build their own light experiments.
The SFI Centre for photonics, IPIC, is Ireland’s centre of excellence for research, innovation and PhD training in photonics – the science and application of light.
Interactive large scale recycled wood sculpture.
Play Minecraft but with coding as your superpower. Build the Titanic or a TNT bomb, fly on an Ender dragon, or fly down waterslides. Throw surprise eggs and have explosive fun with Inventors Club.
Inventors’ Club is a social enterprise located in Sallynoggin. We offer STEAM education for children. Our mission is to provide the skills and environment for young people to build self-esteem, resilience, and gain sense of accomplishment by playing with science and technology to create fun coding, robotics, engineering, art, and electronics projects. We aim to make learning science and technology engaging and give children a sense of technological self-efficacy.

The Upcycled Butterfly Effect is 3 large butterflies all made from recycled materials including metal, electronic cables, wood, cardboard and paint. The units are easily stable in the ground in wind and rain and provide an brightly coloured installation attracting kids which are safe to touch it. The butterflies show how upcycling materials can turn skip waste into contemporary upcycled artwork installations.

Hello, my name is François with a “ç”. People have difficulties typing my name so I made a USB button to type the special character in my name. This this an actual functioning one key keyboard, just plug it on your computer and enjoy typing “ç” to your heart’s content!

Rachana, is a Learning and Development (HR) professional and an artist by passion. She believes that the only way to taste joyful life is an involvement in any kind of positive “creativity”. In her spare time she along with her kids does various type of art/craft depicting specific country culture. This time she is going to showcase Indian western tribal art form with clay and mirror which traditionally done with mud and mirror to decorate hut, roads and temples.

Our advanced manufacturing research centre focuses on metal 3D printing, large scale plastic 3D printing, 3D scanning, and robotics.

Full scale and animated Star Wars droids: BB8, BB9E and NR-S3 plus 3d printed parts for other unfinished BD-1 and D-O

Games of all sorts and art installations relating to rebooting civilization in our own unique way.

PrintLab provides a unique, inclusive and creative space at the National Print Museum for children and families to participate in hands-on social experiences, which aim to provide them with an understanding of the historical, social and contemporary relevance of letterpress printing as a tool for communication.
Taking inspiration from the tinkering and making culture, PrintLab offers a series of ‘fablab’ style workshops, which encourage children to explore individual and communal approaches to design thinking through letterpress printing.
Our space will feature workshops for families and children aged from 4-12 years (all ages are welcome!) which aim to enhance children’s learning experience and introduce the craft of letterpress to a new generation. At this year’s Dublin Maker we look forward to bringing along our ever popular Lego printing workshop, the P22 modular printing blocks, along with some traditional letterpress type and a printing press.

TOG will be running a repair café at Dublin Maker. Visitors can bring broken items – clothes, electronics, toys, and small appliances… – to our stand and learn how to fix them together with our volunteers. We’ll have tools, materials and repair experts who will help carry out the repairs.
Safety (PAT) testing for electrical devices will be available.
We’ll also have a display with members’ projects and information about TOG Hackerspace.
TOG is a hackerspace based in the centre of Dublin, Ireland. It is a shared space where members have a place to be creative and work on their projects in an environment that is both inspiring and supportive of both new and old technologies

Led Race is a basic game in which the speed of the car is proportional to the pulsations of the control button. Using MakeyMakey and a Raspberry Pi.

Observe traditional aran knitting as the beautiful Irish heritage craft that it is. The maker is an experienced textile artisan who is experienced in creating Aran knitting pieces and teaching others how to knit. Feel free to pick up a pair of needles and try it out yourselves!

Exhibite the creation process of wooden arrows in a medievel and primitive style using a variety of different materials. Demonstrate how to make caveman like tools in a modern day.

3D printing / Raspberry Pi projects / Tools.
RS is the leading distributor of Electronic, Electrical and Industrial components.

Irish shop with makers’ gear
Something synthy from Maynooth

We are a gang of physicists, teachers and researchers whose mission is to bring science to the public through interactive activities and demos. Join our ” Make-N-Take ” to make all kinds of fun scientific stuff.

We Make Good is Ireland’s only social enterprise design brand, making beautiful products that change lives.

Hair Braiding & Hair Styling show case /Hair braiding trial.
Dignity Partnership (DiP) is a work integration social enterprise that promotes personal and enterprise development for people from a refugee and asylum seeking background.
The purpose of DiP is to integrate refugees and people seeking asylum into the business community, and to meaningfully contribute their passions, talents, and interests using an entrepreneurial mindset, thereby breaking the barriers of social inclusion.

Irish made winning brand. Extremely light weight jewellery.

Handmade scented candles/ body candles and wax melts.
We will exibit some homewares and toys that we make and explain how we make them.

Reflecting Water and Femininity, our Houseofakina Boann Range is inspired by the goddess of the River Boyne. The filament used in the creation of the Boann product delivers outstanding performance while using a fully recycled and traceable input.
We call it Plastic⚡️Fantastic.
By choosing our Boann range you are supporting a growing ecosystem of recyclers, engineers, entrepreneurs and designers, all committed to a sustainable planet earth. And oh…all profits fund very cool educational workshops for young migrants across Ireland. With a specific focus on women and children under 18.
Using creativity to show best practice of integrating new communities while challenging the status quo. See some of our cool innovative programs here: